Family Connections Program

“Connects a family needing support to a family who has been there.”

Family Connections partners families 1:1 with an altruistic approach for cross-disabilities from birth thru life span. Matches are made for a parent seeking information and/or emotional support with a parent who has experienced the same or similar situation. These connections encourage families to make better informed choices and fosters family strengthening.  The success of the Family Connections program is built upon altruism, compassion and a collaborative community commitment to ensure no family is left behind.

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 Family Connections is a voluntary program. Our Support Parents are volunteers who go through a specialized skill building training and truly have a selfless concern for the well-being of others.

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 NH Family Ties matches families who have children with a variety of needs:

  • Acquired Brain Injury
  • Affected by Mental Illness
  • Chronic Illness
  • Experiences an Intellectual or  Developmental Disability
  • Special Health Care Need
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Family Connections matches families seeking information or emotional support. Examples of support may include:

  • Medical
  • Behavioral
  • Advocacy
  • Transition
  • New life stages
  • Local Programs
  • Socializing
  • State/Government Programs
  • Practical day-to-day tips
  • Steps to Independence
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Throughout your child's life-span...  Infant, child, teen, adult or senior, we will work hard to locate a match first locally in NH, however our outreach is national due to our P2P USA Alliance membership

If you are experiencing a time of crisis or a new developmental or transitional stage in your loved one’s life or are seeking resources and information, Family Connections is the place to start! 

Support Parents serve as mentors to families who are caring for a loved one who may be recently diagnosed and seeking information or emotional support or maybe a family looking to expand in their community as they navigate the world of caring for a family member who is affected by mental illness, has a special health care need or experiences a disability.

Have more questions?  Please feel free to contact us via email/phone.

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two men talking

Family Connections Program