Behavioral Supports Programs

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Community Choices’ Residential and Day Services (RDS) supports individuals with unique strengths, challenges, and needs. Specialized services are provided by Residential and Day Services (RDS) Behavioral Support Programs for those with developmental disabilities and complex mental health issues. These participants may demonstrate challenging or unsafe behaviors. Our goal is to support your vulnerable family member as much as possible, while prioritizing their personal safety as well as others’.

Everyone we support in the Behavioral Support Programs receives Community Participation Services (CPS), also known as Day Services. Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) provide the services for these programs. Some supported services are identified as “high risk,” meaning that individuals in these programs have a history of involvement with the criminal justice system. We also support persons with a history of sexually inappropriate behaviors or offenses. While not all individuals have these challenges, for everyone’s safety, many of our standard policies and procedures address these considerations.

In the Behavioral Support Programs, our mission continues to guide our individually-designed support services. We use a Person-Centered Thinking (PCT) approach to support meaningful lives, enabling your son, daughter or elder to participate in the wider community whenever and as much as possible. What makes our programs different is the need to consider community safety in this equation, and balance both what is important to a person (preferences, goals, dreams) with what is important for a person (health, safety, adherence with laws).

Primary Contact - Behavioral Support Homes
Kerry Auger, Senior Director of Community Choices  603-225-4153
“We are deeply grateful for all the skill and compassion my brother receives form the Community Bridges family and for the effective and thoughtful ways staff work with us.” - Kathleen